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V Minecraftu je také ukazatel hladu. Musíte jíst, aby jste přežili. Hlad se nepoužívá v Kreativním a Spectator režimu nebo v Mírné obtížnosti. V těchto režimech není možné jíst (s výjimkou zlatých jablek a sběru plodů). Úroveň hladu je zobrazena ukazatelem hned vedle ukazatele zdraví. Snižování ukazatele hladu způsobuje různé nepříjemné věci:

  1. Ztráta schopnosti se léčit, od 17 (🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗)
  2. Nelze běžet, od 6 (🍗🍗🍗)
  3. Ztráta zdraví hladověním, od 0 (🍗)

Existuje skrytá vlastnost pojmenovaná "nasycení", která se vyčerpá dříve než začne hlad viditelně klesat. Konzumací potravin se doplní různá množství hladu a nasycení.


Návody/Správa hladu/video

Úspora energie[]

Techniky pro snížení spotřeby jídla:

  • Když můžete, tak se vyhněte se bojování. Enderman na vás nezaútočí, pokud se mu nebudete dívat do očí; Pavouci nezaútočí, pokud je zem pod nimi dostatečně osvětlená, než vás uvidí; Zombie nezaútočí, pokud je nebo jiné Zombie nenapdnete. Všechny příšery mají omezení, jak daleko mohou cestovat, aby vás napadly (např. obvykle nepřekročí Rokle v případě, že jsou dost daleko od okraje).
    • Vytvořte co nejdříve Postel a používejte ji když se přiblíží noc.
    • Rozmístěte hodně Loučí, aby se příšery nemohly spawnovat v okolí vašeho domova.
  • Omezte skákání. Při těžbě, využívejte Kamenné schodiště, položte chůze po schodišti neunavuje tolik jako skákání.
  • Vytvořte kamenný Meč, potom pokračujte vytvořením železného Brnění a železného meče. Uzdravování rychle spotřebovává ukazatel hladu a úplné železné brnění snižuje obdržené poškození o 60%. Boj zblízka také spotřebovává hlad a meč je při boji obvykle účinnější než jiné nástroje.
  • Vyhněte se běhání, protože rychle vyčerpá ukazatel hladu.

Účinky Hladu[]

Existují dvě proměnné o které by jste se měli zajímat: Váš ukazatel hladu, ten je viditelný a skrytá hodnota "nasycení" (saturation). Obě mají rozmezí 0 až 20 (1 bod hladu = 1/2 kýty), ale nasycení nemůže překročit hodnotu hladu. Jak se pohybujete, bojujete, dolujete, atd. nasycení se snižuje. Jakmile nasycení klesne na 0, tak ukazatel hladu začne blikat a postupně ubývat (místo ubývání hodnoty nasycení). Věci, které vám nejvíce ubírají hlad (dle pořadí): Léčení poškození (větší část 1 bodu hladu za 1 bod zdraví!), skok v běhu, běh na libovolnou vzdálenost, útok na monstra nebo zranění (z libovolných zdrojů), a skákání. Přesněji, uběhnutí 2 metrů stojí stejné množství hladu jako jeden skok, a uběhnutí 3 metrů stojí stejně hladu jako zranění protivníka nebo útok.

Když hlad klesne pod 90%, tak se přestanete automaticky léčit. Když klesne pod 30%, tak nelze běhat. Když klesne hlad na 0, tak začnete ztrácet zdraví. V módu Lehké obtížnosti, se vám zdraví vlivem hladovění sníží max. na polovinu, v Normální obtížnosti klesá zdraví až na jeden bod. V Těžké obtížnosti vás hladovění může zabít. Pro zajímavost, Ochranné kouzlo (Protection enchantment) na brnění snižuje poškození z hladovění.

I když je stravování důležité pro zvýšení zdraví, ne vždy je to nutné. V Lehké obtížnosti se snižování zdraví zastaví těsně před smrtí, takže když se hráč nemusí obávat jiných zranění, tak může klidně hrát dále. Po pravdě, hodně hráčů při budování farmy vyhladoví až na 0. Samozřejmě v multiplayeru na PvP serverech nebo během dobrodružství to je mnohem více nebezpečné.

S výjimkou zlatých jablek a chorus fruit, nemůžete jíst, když je ukazatel hladu plný. Když jíte, každé jídlo obnoví určité množství hladu a nasycení. Mnoho položek obnoví více nasycení než hladu, ale pamatujte, že nasycení je taktéž omezeno hladem. Nebojte se ubývaní hladu, protože když viditelně ztrácíte hlad, tak je vaše nasycení prázdné a vy stejně začnete hladovět tak jako tak. Proto je dobré jíst i když je váš ukazatel hladu skoro plný, protože získávate zároveň nasycení.


Potraviny jsou specifický druh věcí, který může být snězen kliknutím myši, ale (většinou) pouze pokud jste hladoví - tedy když váš ukazatel hladu není zcela plný. Potraviny obnovují hlad i nasycení, různé potraviny obnoví různé množství hladu a nasycení. Potraviny můžete získat výrobou, farmařením, a zabíjením příšer. Většina více výživných potravin (např.: maso a ryby) musí být uvařené (upečené) pro dosažební plného efektu. (Když jsou zvířata zabitá ohněm, tak z nich může vypadnout již uvařené maso!)

Potraviny rozdělujeme do 5 úrovní, v závislosti na množství nasycení, které se obnoví za jednotku hladu ("kýtu"). Mnoho výživných potravin můžete sníst i když je váš ukazatel hladu téměř plný, aby jste zabránili ubývání nasycení, viz výše. Z toho pramení, že když jste hodně hladoví, tak je lepší jíst nejdříve sladkosti, ale šetřete si místo i pro skutečné jídlo!

Několik jídel má také speciální efekty, mnohdy špatné. Přestože zlaté jablko vás vyléčí, ostatní jídla vás mohou otrávit (ztrácíte zdraví), nebo máte "otravu hladu" (vyčerpáváte hlad). Pro tyto účely je zde mléko, získané použitím kbylíku na krávu. Ačkoli mléko neobnoví hlad nebo nasycení, dokáže odstranit všechny statusové efekty, což he užitečné když potřebujete sníst něco otráveného nebo se sníte otrávené jídlo.

Seznam různých potravin, podle kategorií:

Speciální potraviny[]

Vytvořejí se pomocí drahých kovů, mají výživovou hodnotu 2.4.

Zlaté jablko
Obnoví 🍗🍗
Zlatá jablka mohou být vytvořena nebo je lze najít (vzácně) v dungeon truhlách. I když obnoví jen 🍗🍗, tak dodají na 5 sekund regeneraci a na 2 minuty absorpci, a hráč také získá 2 srdce zdraví. Zlatá jablka také obnoví 9.6 bodů sytosti, což je opravdu hodně s ohledem na malé množství obnovených bodů hladu. Kromě běžného zlatého jablka, mohou být vyxtvořeny ještě očarované verze, které dávají regeneraci, odolnost a odolnost vůči ohni. Ty jsou samozřejmě dražší.
  • Jde o jediné potraviny, které dočasně umožní regeneraci zdraví bez ohledu na hráčův hlad. Regenerace je indikována pohupováním ukazatele zdraví (řada srdcí), každé zhoupnutí obnoví 1/2 bodu zdraví.
  • Ve srovnání s lektvary na regeneraci, jsou zlatá jablka vhodnější pro boj s příšerami, protože je můžete vyrobit dříve než budete moci louhovat (alchymie) nebo dokonce jít do Netheru v singleplayeru (louhování vyžaduje Blaze rod (Blaze tyč) a Nether wart (Bradavičník), oba se dají nalézt jen v Netheru). Zejména očarované verze poskytující Odolnost vůči Ohni je velmi užitečná pro sběr prvních několika Blaze tyčí.
  • Ačkoli klasická jablka padají z dubových listů s jen malou šancí (0.5% na blok listí), pěstováním stromů jich můžete vytvořit dostatečnou zásobu. Velké množství můžete také získat obchodováním s vesničany.
  • Zlatá jablka mohou být použity k vytvoření vesnice léčením Zombie vesničanů. Je-li generování Struktur vypnuto, je to jediná cesta jak získat vesničany a obchodvat s nimi.
  • Ačkoli jsou v jistém smyslu obnovitelná, tak jsou zlatá jablka extrémně drahá na výrobu. Jediné očarované zlaté jablko potřebuje přesně 72 zlatých cihel (což odpovídá 648 zlatým nugetům) a jedno klasické jablko.
  • Ke snězení potřebujete více času, obyčejné zlaté jablko léčí rychlostí 4HeartHeart body zdraví za 5 sekund. Dobrou alternativou jsou Házecí lektvary, pokud již máte možnost je louhovat.
Golden carrot
Restores 🍗🍗🍗
Golden carrots can only be crafted, but are cheaper than golden apples and restore 🍗 more than they do. They also restore 14.4 saturation, the highest of any food currently in the game. The downside is that they are too expensive to be an efficient food source in hra o přežití mode unless a gold farm can be made. Golden Carrots can also be used to make potions of night vision.

Top-tier foods[]

These have a nourishment of 1.6 — the most nourishing of the ordinary foods.

Propečený steak and cooked porkchops
Restores 🍗🍗🍗🍗 (cooked)
Both of these foods have the same restorative value, and can be found relatively early on, provided there are krávas and\or prases nearby. When possible, fence them up near your shelter to breed them. This way, a reliable supply of food can be established.
  • Steak and cooked porkchop restore the highest amount of hunger and saturation of any food in the game except special foods.
  • Cows and pigs can be bred to supply the player with raw beef and porkchops.
  • Raw beef and porkchops can be cooked quickly using sticks when away from a reliable source of food.
  • A sword or bow with Fire Aspect/Flame will pre-cook the steaks or porkchops, allowing for fast collection.
  • As with raw beef and porkchops, steak and cooked porkchop's availability is dependent on the presence of krávas or krávomůrkas and prases within sight, which can be random at best and require extensive travelling depending on the biome the player spawns in. Once at least two animals have been found, however, they can be bred for an easy and infinite supply of steak and cooked porkchops.
  • Breeding pigs requires mrkevs, which can be very difficult to obtain if there are no villages with carrot patches nearby, as they only very rarely drop from zombies.
Burning cows and pigs provides a slightly easier method to obtain steak and cooked porkchops without the need to monitor a furnace. The player can burn a cow or pig by making it walk into láva, right-clicking the block under it with a kbelík of láva, or by lighting the squares around it on oheň with a flint and steel. You can also obtain cooked porkchops by killing a cow or pig with a meč or luk with the Fire Aspect/Flame enchantment.
Cooked mutton
Restores 🍗🍗🍗
Cooked mutton restores a fairly good amount of hunger and good saturation, making it a good food choice. As ovce are fairly common, it is quite easy to obtain cooked mutton early on. Once two sheep have been found, they can be bred for a reliable supply of cooked mutton.
Cooked salmon
Restores 🍗🍗🍗 (cooked)
Similar to cooked fish, however this type restores 🍗 more than the regular fish. They are also rarer to catch than the normal fish.
Spider eyes
Restores 🍗
Although they only restore 🍗 and poison you for 4 seconds (draining HeartHeart over time), spider eyes do restore a large amount of saturation. This is useful if you are already at/near Half Heart (since poison does not drain your health past half a heart) and you only need to restore a small amount of hunger to start healing again. Only ever eat spider eyes if you have to, it is best to leave them in your brewing lab.

Second-tier foods[]

These have a nourishment of 1.2 — the staple foods, cheap and fairly nourishing.

Cooked chicken
Restores 🍗🍗🍗
Chickens are easier to find than most other passive mobs, and also lay eggs, which can be brought to a fenced-off area and hatched. As chickens only need seeds to breed, this makes them a good source of food if they can be found. However, they do not restore as much hunger or saturation as other meats.
  • Cooked chicken restores a fairly good amount of hunger and saturation.
  • Chickens are more common than other passive mobs, as well as giving eggs to speed up farming.
  • Farming chickens also provides feathers and eggs.
  • Because chickens lay eggs, cooked chicken can be farmed completely automatically, compared to farming of other animal meat which needs the player to breed the animals.
  • Other meats restore more hunger and saturation than cooked chicken.
  • Eggs hatch into baby chickens, which need to grow before they are farmed.
Cooked fish
Restores 🍗🍗🍗 (cooked)
If you can find string, fishing is a good source of food. It is safer than some other food sources, as water can be brought to your shelter with a bucket. However, meats and bread restore a similar amount of hunger and are often easier to obtain.
  • Fish can be found in any size body of water.
  • Cooked fish restore a fairly good amount of hunger and saturation.
  • Once a fishing rod can be obtained, a steady supply of fish can be caught.
  • Cooked fish restores equal amounts of hunger and saturation as chléb, which is easier to farm early on.
  • Catching fish takes some time, making it slow to gather large amounts of them.
Mushroom stew
Restores 🍗🍗🍗
If hra více hráčůs can be found, mushroom stew can be a reliable food source. As the ingredients stack and the recipe can be made in the 2×2 crafting menu, mushroom stew can be a useful food source when exploring. Another option is the mushroom biome, where right-clicking the resident krávomůrkas with a miska will fill the bowl with stew. However, mushroom stew does not stack, so carrying a lot of stew takes up a lot of inventory space.
Restores 🍗🍗🍗
Bread is one of the easiest foods to obtain early in the game, as a farm can be started by a lake with only a wooden hoe and some seeds. However, it is likely the player will find more efficient food sources later in the game.
  • Bread takes little resources to farm.
  • Bread restores a fairly good amount of hunger and saturation.
  • A wheat farm is easy to maintain.
  • Wheat grows slowly, and three are required per bread.
  • Meats restore more hunger and saturation than bread.
Since the introduction of tall grass, Bread is arguably among the most efficient early sustainable food sources, with mushroom stew, or maybe jablkos, easier to produce (in certain environments). By building farms out into open water, pšenice production can be started on Day 1 with no other tools than a wooden motyka. With a little luck at night, you may get enough bone meal to help make your first loaf before dawn. Bread has the advantage of not requiring a furnace or fuel, although lighting the farm up to the required light level of 9 for constant crop growth will consume some amount of coal or charcoal.
Wheat farming suffers from very low density. Several piles of bonemeal may be needed to grow a single stalk of wheat, and you need three wheat for each loaf of bread. This makes it less efficient than using bonemeal to grow a hra více hráčů to giant size. However, seeds are more abundant in most areas than mushrooms, making it a mostly accessible food source. (Then too, growing Huge Mushrooms requires special conditions.) Wheat without the help of bonemeal grows slowly and it takes a fairly large cultivated area to support sufficient food.
Nevertheless, once operations are underway, farms can be enlarged and automated to provide a reliable, safe and renewable supply of wheat for food security. Using automated harvesting (based on pistons and/or water), wheat production becomes much less labor-intensive—násypkas can even allow the seeds and wheat to be automatically gathered into chests. Mechanical assistance contributes directly to the effective amount of energy obtained from wheat, since both movement and harvesting decrease your hunger bar.
Bread has more or less been rendered obsolete by mrkevs, which take the same amount of time to farm but yield 6 times as much hunger (including saturation) for the land and seed used. However, carrots are harder to come by in a new game (and both wheat and wheat seeds have other uses), so bread is still likely to be the first-farmed food for most players.
Baked potato
Restores 🍗🍗🍗
Although hard to find initially, potatoes are an efficient food source once found, as each potato plant can drop up to 4 potatoes. Unlike chléb and mrkevs, potatoes do require cooking for the full effect.
  • Baked potatoes restore a good amount of hunger and saturation.
  • Potatoes can be farmed quickly and in large quantities.
  • Meats restore more hunger and saturation than baked potatoes.
  • In 1.8, baked potatoes only restore 5 hunger points instead of 6.
As no experience is granted for harvesting potatoes, and a cooked chicken yields the same amount of experience, cooked chicken has a slight advantage over cooked potatoes due to the experience bonus of breeding. However, since potatoes only need to be planted, are quickly harvested with almost no waste, and, unlike pšenice and raw chicken, are currently not desired by villagers in trade, baked potatoes can be a much more efficient food source than cooked chicken.
Restores 🍗🍗
Similar to potatoes, but do not need to be cooked. However, they only restore 🍗🍗, making them less efficient than baked potatoes or meat. They are useful when a furnace cannot be accessed or to fill a drained hunger meter before eating something more nourishing.
  • Carrots are easy to farm.
  • Carrots can be used to breed prases.
  • Carrots fill the perfect amount of your hunger bar to always keep you ready to heal.
  • Carrots can be dropped by zombies which can be useful if you start caving before you have a reliable food source.
  • The initial carrot is hard to find unless you spawn near a village.
  • Carrots do not restore much hunger or saturation.
Cooked rabbit
Restores 🍗🍗🍗
Although it does not restore much hunger or saturation compared to other meats, as well as not being a guaranteed drop, cooked rabbit can be obtained relatively early on depending on the presence of králíks. Cooked rabbit is also used to craft rabbit stew.
Rabbit stew
Restores 🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗
Rabbit stew restores the most hunger of any food type currently in the game except dort, and also good saturation. However, it is complicated to craft, requiring multiple ingredients, and does not stack. Additionally, it restores less hunger and saturation than all of its ingredients combined, and is currently the only food where this is the case.

Third-tier foods[]

These have a nourishment of 0.6, suitable for filling up your hunger meter before you eat something more substantial. These include the uncooked versions of potatoes and the various meats, plus a few “half-dessert" foods.

Pumpkin pie
Restores 🍗🍗🍗🍗
Pumpkin pie is crafted with pumpkins, sugar and eggs, which can be found almost everywhere in the overworld, making it an easily accessible food source. Pumpkin Pie is a good food to fill a heavily drained hunger meter before eating something more nourishing.
  • Pumpkin pie has a higher hunger restoration value than most uncooked foods, being the "largest" of the third-tier foods. It's an excellent choice for restoring a badly drained hunger meter, before eating something with more saturation.
  • The crafting recipe for pumpkin pie is shapeless, and fits within the 2×2 crafting grid of the player's inventory. This makes it possible to craft pumpkin pie anywhere without a crafting table or pec, as long as the player is carrying the necessary ingredients.
  • All ingredients required to craft pumpkin pie can be farmed completely automatically, using písts and/or násypkas.
  • It's still a third-tier food -- propečený steak and cooked porkchops restore the same amount of hunger, and far more saturation, than pumpkin pie.
  • Dýněs are relatively rare, so it may take some time and traveling before the player is able to establish a pumpkin farm.
  • Pumpkin plants are slow to bear fruit and only yield a single pumpkin per plant at a time.
Restores 🍗🍗
Apples are found when oak leaves are broken or decay, making them available early on depending on where you spawn. They only restore 🍗🍗, so the player will likely find more efficient food sources.
Kousek melounu
Restores 🍗
Melons are hard to obtain early on unless you spawn near a village or in a jungle biome. They only restore 🍗 and little saturation, so the player will likely have more efficient food sources by the time a melon farm can be set up. However, they can be useful to fill a heavily drained hunger bar and to keep your hunger meter topped up while exploring.
The high volume, low calorie nature of melons makes them somewhat like portable dort in that each consumption is almost never wasted on overhealing the hunger bar. On the other hand, due to the food saturation mechanic, whether or not and how much of a food is “wasted" is not necessarily clear cut. If the goal is to restore food saturation to ensure the maximum amount of time before needing to maintain the hunger bar, then melons are very inefficient. Due to the rapid production rate of most melon farms, however, a single harvest can provide plenty to eat for long periods of time.
Besides being consumed directly as a food source, melons can also be crafted back into melon seeds, allowing unused portions to contribute directly to seed stock and the size of future harvests by exponentially increasing the number of productive stems. This is of course provided irrigated, arable soil is available in a secure area. This is a marked advantage over the other tilled-earth farming crop, pšenice, for which seed supply builds up much more slowly. However, one bonus with wheat is that it is easier to get semínka pšenice for it, as growing melon blocks first requires finding melon seeds in truhlas in abandoned mine shafts, or through trading with a villager farmer.
The arrangement of melon blocks also allows a much more straightforward harvesting method, as stems will stay productive indefinitely so long as they are protected. On the other hand, the low nutrition of each melon means the 1.6 seconds of time required to eat them quickly adds up. Moreover, they provide almost no food saturation, so a diet of melons necessitates frequent stops to eat. Needless to say, this can be inconvenient in many situations, such as inside hostile mob-infested caverns. A better use of melons is to first fill the hunger saturation with food such as meat, then use melon to fill the bar the rest of the way.
  • Melons are renewable, like all other foods.
  • Each melon block drops 3-7 melon slices, so you can quickly get a lot in only one harvest.
  • Melon slices can be crafted into glistering melons, which can be used to make Potions of Healing.
  • Melon farms are easy to automate.
  • Melons restores only 🍗, so they're not a very efficient food source.
  • Melons have a low saturation level, which causes you to be hungry again more quickly.
  • Melon stems grow slowly, and don't instantly spawn melon blocks even when grown with bone meal.
  • Melons tend to be, but are not always, rather difficult to find in Survival mode.
Raw fish
Restores 🍗
Raw fish is not nearly as nourishing as cooked fish, but it can be useful if you have no other food source, or can be used to tame ocelots. Can be obtained by fishing.
Raw salmon
Restores 🍗
Same as raw fish, good as emergency food or for taming ocelots.
Raw chicken
Restores 🍗
Raw chicken will cause food poisoning 30% of the time, and only restores 🍗, however wolves can eat it without being poisoned.
  • Chickens are relatively easier to find in the world than prases or krávas.
  • Chickens die more easily, as they have only 4 units of health, making obtaining raw chicken both time effective, and food/saturation effective.
  • Supply of raw chicken is easier to maintain, as slepices also drop eggs which can be hatched into chicks for mass production of raw chicken rather than being dependent on seeds or pšenice for breeding.
  • Chicken farming can be automated, making for a useful way of collecting eggs/raw chicken/feathers while you are doing something else, as long as the chunk is loaded.
  • Raw chicken has a 30% chance of giving the player food poisoning, which is one reason why it's better to cook it first (the other being more food value). However, food poisoning just barely counteracts one raw chicken's food saturation, and will not even drain half a hunger shank. This makes it a very minor drawback, especially when eating multiple raw chickens at once. Because food poisoning does not stack, and because raw chicken has a very high food saturation value, eating multiple raw chickens at a time will easily restore more hunger than the poison can take away.
Raw beef and raw porkchop
Restores 🍗🍗
As with raw fish, they can be used as emergency food, but are far less nourishing than steak.
  • Raw beef is relatively quick to get at all stages of the game without requiring specialized nástroje, and even faster to collect when the player has a stone meč (or better) and a sizeable herd nearby.
  • Unlike raw chicken, raw beef does not carry a chance of contracting food poisoning when eaten.
  • Cooking raw beef yields propečený steak, a food item that restores 4 units of the food bar and 12.8 saturation when eaten.
  • Cows can drop up to 3 raw beef, as opposed to a slepice, which can only drop 1 raw chicken. This is a relatively high drop rate for a mob, as mobs typically drop up to 2 of an item (save for the prase, which has a chance to drop 3 porkchops), such as skeletons dropping up to only 2 arrows and/or bones upon death.
  • Raw beef's availability is dependent on the presence of cows within sight, which can be random at best and require extensive traveling in some cases, depending on the biom the player spawns in.
Raw mutton
Restores 🍗
Same as other raw food, cooking mutton increases its usefulness, although can be useful as emergency food.
Raw rabbit
Restores 🍗🍗
Same as other raw food, cooking rabbit increases its usefulness, although can be useful as emergency food.
Restores 🍗
Similar to meat, far less nourishing than baked potatoes.
Poisonous potato
Restores 🍗
Rarely dropped when farming potatoes, usable as emergency food but has a 60% chance to inflict the poison effect.

Junk foods[]

With a nourishment value of 0.2, these can top off your hunger meter long enough for you to heal a bit, but you will rapidly become hungry again afterwards.

Restores 🍗
The raw ingredients of cookies, pšenice and cocoa beans, can be farmed in large quantities, and 8 cookies are made each time. The downside is that they are less nourishing than most other foods, so you will become hungry shortly after eating them.
Restores 🍗 (slice), 🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗 (whole)
Although cake restores a lot of hunger, it does not restore much saturation. It is also complicated to craft. Cake is not stackable in the inventory, and must be placed on a block to eat. Cake cannot be retrieved once placed, so you will need to return to the same place every time to eat some. Other food sources are more efficient, restoring a similar amount of hunger and saturation, and are stackable.
  • Cake can be used repeatedly in SMP, they can be shared by several players as a feast item.
  • Despite its complexity, cake is a renewable resource.
  • Cake can be eaten instantly without any eating animation and without switching the currently selected item.
  • Cake restores seven units of the hunger bars total (one hunger bar per slice).
  • Cake can be used as mounting for a TNT cannon and produces a range greater than that of a half slab.
  • Similar to a half slab, you do not need to jump to walk over cake.
  • Cake requires several different items to craft: cukr, pšenice, an vejce and three kbelíks of mléko. In addition, a crafting table is required to use the recipe. As such, it takes some time to make a cake.
  • Once cake is placed it cannot be retrieved.
    • If you break a block where the cake was placed on, it will disappear.
  • Cakes need to be placed to be eaten, which means they cannot be eaten in places where one cannot build (e.g. umístění protection).
  • If you only eat part of a cake, you'll have to come back to that exact spot to eat the rest of it later on.
  • Cake does not stack, so you will be unable to carry too much of it without sacrificing a large amount of inventory space (as of TU7 on Minecraft Xbox 360, cake does stack).
  • Cake has a low saturation level, causing you to become hungry again in a very short amount of time.
Rotten flesh
Restores 🍗🍗
Obtained from zombies, rotten flesh has an 80% chance to give the player food poisoning, so it is only efficient as an emergency food and when you have mléko on hand to cure the poison. Wolves can, however, eat rotten flesh without being poisoned.
  • Rotten flesh is rather easy to get once one has a sword/bow and armor, as zombies are more common than passive mobs. You can also wait until the zombies have burned from exposure to sunlight.
  • Rotten flesh can be a good emergency food when other sources are depleted if used in high doses, restoring more food points than the hunger effect can take away. While in combat, rotten flesh is a good way of keeping your hunger topped off so that your health keeps regenerating, without excessively wasting better quality food.
  • Rotten flesh may be used to feed and breed wolves rather than other meats as wolves do not have any hunger bar, so they are immune to food poisoning.
  • Rotten flesh has an 80% chance to trigger food poisoning, making hunger deplete for thirty seconds.
  • Rotten flesh only restores 4 hunger points.
  • Killing zombies for rotten flesh may be dangerous for unskilled players.
  • Rotten flesh restores less saturation than other meats.
Klaun očkatý
Restores 🍗
Clownfish is a rare catch from fishing. It only restores 🍗, so it is only useful as an emergency food. It can also be used to tame ocelots.
Restores 🍗
Although pufferfish may look OK, do not eat them!. They will inflict hunger, poison and nausea effects, draining 🍗🍗🍗 and keeping you down to Half Heart for 48 seconds. Pufferfish can be used beneficially in brewing to create water breathing potions, and can be fed to ocelots without poisoning them.



A number of food items can have their production automated.

Raw and cooked chicken
Eggs can be collected from chickens by násypkas and then thrown by dispensers to make baby chickens. Timed mechanisms can then kill or burn the chickens after they grow up to produce raw or cooked chicken automatically.
Podívejte se také na: Egg farming
Melons can be harvested with písts and násypkas at regular intervals with a clocked mechanism or as soon as they grow by detecting them with redstone power or a block update detector.
Podívejte se také na: Pumpkin and melon farming
Rotten flesh
Rotten flesh can be auto-harvested with a mob farm.

Emergency measures[]

If your hunger meter is dropping and you have no food in hand, there are a few emergency measures you can take, depending on available resources:

Mushroom stew
If you have both kinds of hra více hráčůs handy and enough wood for miskas (three planks of any type), don't forget mushroom stew!
If you have a bucket and a cow, milk the cow: The milk will let you fill up on rotten flesh or raw meat, then cure the resulting illness. You can even eat spider eyes or poisonous potatoes, and then cure the poison
Rotten flesh
Eat five at once and not only can you heal you also end up with about 80% full hunger. If you do nothing while waiting for the hunger effect to wear off this is even more effective.
Local animals
On the surface: Kill a kráva, prase, or slepice. Cook the meat if at all possible, but even eating it raw will fend off utter starvation.
Fast crops
If you have any brambores or mrkevs, and some bone meal (craft 3 from one skeleton bone), you can make a hoe and till some dirt near any water source, then plant your vegetables and use the bone meal to make them mature more quickly. It can take several pieces of bone meal to get a mature plant. Cooking the potatoes is also a good idea.
If you have the bone meal but no carrots or potatoes, you can destroy some tall grass near a river or lake, make and use a motyka, then plant semínka pšenice and use the bone meal to rapidly grow your pšenice. The same caveats as above apply to the use of bone meal.
If you have string, wood, and water: Fishing is relatively quick, at least you can get one or two fish within a minute. Note that you can fish in a waterfall.
Doing nothing
You don't lose hunger bars if you aren't doing anything (walking, mining, healing, etc.). In nemilosrdná hra especially, this can be a necessary strategy while waiting for crops or baby animals to grow.
A last-ditch measure: If you're close to your bed or spawn point, stuff your inventory and armor into a truhla or two … then die. On hard mode, you can just wait to die of starvation, otherwise good methods are drowning, jumping off cliffs, or dropping gravel/sand on yourself. You will respawn with full health and hunger bars, and can then reclaim your stuff. Naturally, this method doesn't apply in nemilosrdná hra. Note that this isn't a totally free solution: you lose most of your experience.